Environment labeling of packaging
(based on the recommendation of the VCI)
Italian Legislative Decree No. 116 of September 3, 2020 states that all packaging must be "appropriately" labeled. In order to achieve this objective, Legislative Decree No. 116 transposes into national law, among other things, Decision 97/129/EC4 of the EU Commission on packaging labeling. In practice, this means that in order to improve the labeling and classification of packaging, packaging manufacturers will in future be obliged to indicate the nature of the packaging materials used as defined in Decision 97/129/EC. Thus, from January 1, 2023, each industrial packaging placed on the market in Italy will be marked with an alphanumeric code. The indications for the disposal of industrial packaging are optional in this context. These can be freely worded in the proposed form, provided they are effective.
The term "manufacturer" is defined in EU Directive 2018/851 as "any natural\ or legal person who commercially designs, manufactures, processes, handles, sells or imports products".
1. basics
- Directive 97/129/EC of 28 January 1997 (formerly 94/62/EC).
- Legislative Decree n. 116/2020 Environmental labeling of packaging in Italy.
2. deadlines
The implementation date is 31.12.2022. Packaging that does not meet the requirements for environmental labeling and has already been placed on the market or labeled on 1 January 2023 may continue to be marketed until stocks are exhausted.
3. scope of application
Concerns any industrial packaging placed on the market in Italy.
4. impementation
DENSA AG has decided to proactively label ECO DRUM and ECO CLIP with this marking. By labeling all packaging, it is ensured that the requirements of the Italian authorities are met in all cases.
According to the recommendation of the VCI (German Chemical Industry Association), the following labeling codes apply to our products:
- ECO DRUM -> PAP 21